| <- [[ch03-08|Previous Page]] | [[start|Comprehensive Tutorial Index]] | [[ch03-10|Next Page]] -> | ====== Chapter 3-9: (Continued) ====== ====== Part 30: The Boss Room ====== Now we're going to make the boss room. It will contain Aquamentus, the boss enemy of Level 1 in 1st quest. There really isn't anything radically different about this room compared to other rooms we have set up, so this shouldn't take long to fix. Draw this screen on **Map 3->Screen 53**: {{ ch3-bossroom.png?640 |Screen 53}} [[ch03-01#part_5door_combo_sets_and_placing_doors|Door Combo Sets and Placing Doors]] * Place the doors. (**Screen->Doors** or **F6**). * There is an Open door to the south and a Shutter to the north. [[ch02-02#part_4placing_enemies|Placing Enemies]] * You should use **Aquamentus (Facing Left)**. This means Aquamentus will be on the right side of the room and face left. [[ch03-04#part_12placing_items|Placing Items]] * Place a **Heart Container** on the screen since most bosses in Zelda reward you with one of those. * You should probably set the **Enemies->Item** Enemy Flag since you don't want the Heart Container to be immediately available. To make Aquamentus the dungeon boss, we need to check another Enemy Flag. Under **Screen->Screen Data (F9)**, select the **E.Flags** tab and check **Dungeon Boss (Don't Return)**. {{ch3-bossroom-data.png|Boss Room Data}} If the quest rule under **Quest Rules->Enemies->Must Kill All Bosses To Set 'No Return' Screen State** is set, the boss flag will apply for all enemies on the screen that count as defeatable enemies. **This means that you have to kill all enemies //on the screen// before the boss is officially "dead."** Otherwise, you only have to kill one of the enemies on the screen. You can use pretty much any defeatable enemy as a boss, so you can have dungeon bosses ranging from //Aquamentus// to //Keese//. Once a dungeon boss is dead, anything that is marked as a dungeon boss (even if it is not on the same screen or DMap) will remain dead **for the current level number**. Boss roars within the same level number will also stop happening. ====== Part 31: The Dungeon Triforce Piece ====== Triforce pieces, the items you obtain at the end of Zelda 1 style dungeons, have some unique behavior that is not found in other items that you can pick up. When you pick up a triforce piece, Zelda Classic will throw you into an animation that recharges all of your health. After the animation completes, //it will trigger Side Warp A on the current screen//. The triforce piece that you obtain in the subscreen is also dependent upon the DMap level number. Let's conclude this dungeon by trying this out. Draw this screen on **Map 3->Screen 43**: {{ ch3-triforceroom.png?640 |Screen 43. It's the last screen of this dungeon!}} [[ch03-01#part_5door_combo_sets_and_placing_doors|Door Combo Sets and Placing Doors]] * Place the doors. (**Screen->Doors** or **F6**). * There is an Open door to the south. [[ch03-04#part_12placing_items|Placing Items]] * Place a **Triforce (Fragment)** on the screen. Do not place //Triforce (Whole)//. Now we need to set up **Side Warp A** since that is the warp that the triforce piece uses. Go to **Screen->Side Warp (F11)** and edit **Side Warp A**. {{ch3-triforceroom-warp.png|Triforce Side Warp}} Set the **Type** to **Entrance/Exit**, the **DMap** to the overworld, and the **Screen** to **55**. You do not have to worry about setting any trigger sides for the warp since the //Triforce (Fragment)// will trigger the warp rather than Link walking into the edge of the screen. //**Note:** Because we didn't set a side for the Side Warp, there will be no info display in the bottom right corner of the screen. The warp is still there despite this.// And with that, our dungeon should be finished! :-D | <- [[ch03-08|Previous Page]] | [[start|Comprehensive Tutorial Index]] | [[ch03-10|Next Page]] -> |